A template to set up multi-tenant Kubernetes cluster

About Multi-Tenancy

If you have been using a Kubernetes cluster there must have been instances where your application co-exists with applications that belong to different groups in your org or have different purposes altogether. As different types of users access the same cluster resources it becomes very important to create these application boundaries and define how teams can deploy and access these multi-tenant clusters.

Thankfully, recently Kubernetes multi-tenancy group came out with some guidelines which gives us how best a multi-tenant cluster should be organized. Using principles defined by the Kubernetes multi-tenancy group I am attempting to provide a template that can be used when a cluster is created. This approach might help with the onboarding of teams and their applications and can be standardized to efficiently use cluster resources.

Disclaimer: By no means this is an exhaustive template. It can serve as a starting point for you and based on your requirements you can modify this template to further enhancements. But I would definitely appreciate it if you can share those enhancements with me!

A template for multi-tenancy cluster

Imagine we have a cluster that needs to host multi-team and/or multi-customer tenants. A sample architecture may look like the below image where I have tried to list objects which are necessary for the cluster to be multi-tenant: image.png

Now, let's start creating our cluster with these hypothetical tenants. We will be using RedHat's OpenShift cluster which is free to use.

Let's begin...

  1. Create a group for the Sales org tenant and a SaaS customer tenant with some dummy users via console. For this, you will need to log in as an Admin on to the console URL provided after you create your cluster. And while in Administrator perspective you will see User Management on the left-hand pane. image.png

  2. Next use the below project template for creating multi-team or multi-customer tenants. I have set some values as a reference in this template. You will most likely need to modify based on your requirements for a tenant.

         apiVersion: template.openshift.io/v1
         kind: Template
           creationTimestamp: null
           name: multitenant-project-request
         - apiVersion: project.openshift.io/v1
           kind: Project
               openshift.io/description: ${PROJECT_DESCRIPTION}
               openshift.io/display-name: ${PROJECT_DISPLAYNAME}
               openshift.io/requester: ${PROJECT_REQUESTING_USER}
             creationTimestamp: null
             name: ${PROJECT_NAME}
           spec: {}
           status: {}
         - apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
           kind: RoleBinding
             creationTimestamp: null
             name: edit-binding
             namespace: ${PROJECT_NAME}
             apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
             kind: ClusterRole
             name: edit
           - apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
             kind: Group
             name: ${PROJECT_GROUP}
         - apiVersion: v1
           kind: ResourceQuota
             name: resource-quota
             namespace: ${PROJECT_NAME}
               pods: "10"
               requests.cpu: '4'
               requests.memory: 8Gi
               limits.cpu: '6'
               limits.memory: 12Gi
               requests.storage: 100Gi
               persistentvolumeclaims: '100'
               gold.storage-class.kubernetes.io/requests.storage: 3Gi
               gold.storage-class.kubernetes.io/persistentvolumeclaims: '5'
               silver.storage-class.kubernetes.io/requests.storage: 2Gi
               silver.storage-class.kubernetes.io/persistentvolumeclaims: '3'
               bronze.storage-class.kubernetes.io/requests.storage: 1Gi
               bronze.storage-class.kubernetes.io/persistentvolumeclaims: '1'
         - apiVersion: v1
           kind: LimitRange
             name: mem-limit-range
             namespace: ${PROJECT_NAME}
               - default:
                   memory: 2Gi
                   cpu: '2'
                   memory: 1Gi
                   cpu: '1'
                 type: Container
         - apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
           kind: NetworkPolicy
             name: allow-from-openshift-ingress
             namespace: ${PROJECT_NAME}
             - from:
               - namespaceSelector:
                     policy-group.network.openshift.io/ingress: ""
             podSelector: {}
             - Ingress
         - apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
           kind: NetworkPolicy
             name: allow-from-openshift-monitoring
             namespace: ${PROJECT_NAME}
             - from:
               - namespaceSelector:
                     network.openshift.io/policy-group: monitoring
             podSelector: {}
             - Ingress
         - apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
           kind: NetworkPolicy
             name: allow-same-namespace
             namespace: ${PROJECT_NAME}
             - from:
               - podSelector: {}
         - name: PROJECT_NAME
         - name: PROJECT_DISPLAYNAME
         - name: PROJECT_DESCRIPTION
         - name: PROJECT_GROUP

    Apply the above template to openshift-config namespace.

     oc create -f multiTenantTemplate.yaml -n openshift-config

    This includes all aspects which are required for a cluster to host multi-tenant projects. In addition to ResourceQuota, LimitRange, and NetworkPolicy OpenShift also provides Security Context Constraints(SCC) which by default get applied to Pods before their creation. You can look at default policies applied here.

  3. Once you have a template created locate Project configuration under Administration, Cluster Settings as shown below screenshot. image.png

  4. Update the spec section to include the projectRequestTemplate and name parameters, and set the name as multitenant-project-request which was the project template created on step#2. The default name is project-request. image.png

  5. With our project template we also created a RoleBinding. And in that, we assigned only edit ClusterRole to the Groups. This allows users to be able to modify resources to their project only and does not give them the power to view or modify roles or bindings. You can read more about different roles available here.

Once you have set up the above structure and configurations, it will become very easy for anyone to onboard new projects in a cluster. In certain cases, you can also configure Identity Provider for Authn and Authz while creating groups. Perhaps in my next post, I can show how we can use identity providers and sync groups with users in our cluster.

If you have any other suggestions or comments feel free to leave them below!